Research on a new method of pathfinding algorithm for performance improvement

Research on a new method of pathfinding algorithm for performance improvement

Recently, after adding wolves, I set the wolves' field of view to be wider than that of rabbits and conducted tests, during which I confirmed that the A* algorithm was not performing well.
This is because, in the current Breathing World, it uses coordinates that are subdivided into a width and height 16 times larger than the 1920 x 1080 terrain and plant coordinates.
So, the wolf server is actually currently stopped.
The wolves visible on the screen right now can just be considered cached data.

The existing A* algorithm is very well-known and has already been proven to deliver sufficiently good performance.
However, despite my limited skills and knowledge, I am challenging myself in this project to implement a pathfinding algorithm that performs far better than this.

The basic approach is as follows:

  1. Determine the straight path from the starting point to the destination. (Utilizing Bresenham's Line Algorithm)
  2. While calculating the path, if an obstacle is encountered, immediately stop and recognize the obstacle.
  3. Retrieve the outline information of the obstacle.
  4. Among the outline information, select the optimal point for bypassing the obstacle. (This part is the core)
  5. Combine the starting point and the bypass point to create a kind of waypoint coordinate.
  6. Subsequently, repeat the same process from the bypass point to the destination.
  7. Ultimately, the path is constructed like this: (starting point, waypoint1, waypoint2, ..., waypointN, destination).

This is fundamentally the same concept as the ray concept used in 3D engines.
However, since I am working in a 2D context and diagonal movement is not allowed, I only made slight adjustments.

I would appreciate it if you could wish me success so that I can soon share the good news of my achievement.
How about studying together ?

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