Added shadows !
The rabbit and the wolf, shadows have formed on the tree. In the case of the animals, there are instances where the shadow positions do not align intermittently, but we will continue to improve this in the future.
The rabbit and the wolf, shadows have formed on the tree. In the case of the animals, there are instances where the shadow positions do not align intermittently, but we will continue to improve this in the future.
A developer on Reddit asked a question, which made me curious as well, so I decided to run a test. Comment by u/FarerBW from discussion in SoloDevelopment No path pathCase: noPath BW Path (0, 1) (1, 2) (1, 4) (3, 5) (3, 6) (3, 7) (5, 7) Start: (0,
The ability to select an access region for users worldwide has now been added! For now, I have added three regions excluding Korea, where the server is located, as a trial. In the future, more regions will be available. Select your region to experience faster speeds. If you have any
The previous discussion https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42608107 Ask HN: Have you ever seen a pathfinding algorithm of this type? | Hacker NewsHacker News Explanation of the research process The basic approach is as follows: 1. Determine the straight path from the starting point to the destination. (Utilizing Bresenham&
Recently, after adding wolves, I set the wolves' field of view to be wider than that of rabbits and conducted tests, during which I confirmed that the A* algorithm was not performing well. This is because, in the current Breathing World, it uses coordinates that are subdivided into a
0:00 /0:08 1× 0:00 /1:17 1× 0:00 /0:19 1× 0:00 /0:49 1× 0:00 /0:25 1× 0:00 /0:25 1× 0:00 /0:09 1× To be continued...
Suggested Settings for Wolf Behavior Predation Behavior Since rabbits are the primary food source for wolves, a wolf will begin searching for the nearest rabbit once its hunger level reaches a certain threshold. If there aren’t enough rabbits nearby or if hunting attempts fail, the wolf can be set
0:00 /0:10 1× Initially, I developed the map to be draggable. I also added restrictions to prevent it from going beyond the edges. 0:00 /0:20 1× This time, I made adjustments so that it works properly on larger screens as well. 0:00 /0:16 1×
Weeds Weeds are the very first living organisms in the current ecosystem. Starting on barren ground, weeds emerge and go through a life cycle of sprouting, growing, reproducing, and dying. If left unchecked, the entire island will eventually be covered in weeds. Rabbits When weeds reach a certain density, a
The chat function has been added. Anyone can enjoy chatting comfortably at any time.
I applied sprite image to the weeds, which were previously represented only by dots. Although the map is still not that large, the graphics make it look a bit better. I developed it so that at least the basic functions work on a small-sized map. And gradually, I increased the
The Alpha Test is currently progressing smoothly. Weeds and rabbits are interacting with each other, creating a continuous cycle within the ecosystem. As more time passes, it is expected that the amount of weeds will decrease, leading to an appropriate adjustment in the rabbit population. In our real lives, both
In 2019, I came up with an idea and created a rough prototype related to weeds. At that time, the server generated images like the one above every second. The weeds followed a lifecycle of sprouting, growing, activating, aging, and dying, all on a per-second basis. Since I was fond
The Alpha Test is currently in progress. Weeds and rabbits are interacting with each other. Those who are interested can join now and check it out. Please note that the server is located in South Korea, so there may be slight delays when moving across the map from other regions.
This is Breathing World - A Persistent Virtual Ecosystem, a brand new site by Farer that's just getting started. You can also participate in the Alpha Test at https://alpha.breathingworld.com.